Chatbot vs. ChatGPT Chatbot: Understanding the Differences

Mehrab Hojjati Pour
2 min readSep 7, 2023

Chatbots are everywhere these days, helping out with various tasks online. But not all chatbots are the same. Here’s a quick look at the key differences between traditional chatbots and ChatGPT chatbots:

  1. Architecture & Design:
    * Traditional Chatbots: They follow set rules. If you ask something specific, you get a specific answer.
    * ChatGPT Chatbots: They think on the spot, creating answers based on how they’ve been trained.
  2. Learning & Adaptability:
    * Traditional Chatbots: They don’t change or learn on their own. To improve them, someone has to update their programming.
    * ChatGPT Chatbots: They can talk about many things because of all the information they’ve learned.
  3. Error Handling & Fluidity:
    * Traditional Chatbots: They can get confused easily if you don’t ask questions the right way.
    * ChatGPT Chatbots: They’re better at understanding different types of questions and giving helpful answers.

Ready to Try ChatGPT for Your Business?

If the benefits of ChatGPT for customer support resonate with you, then it’s time to consider Kastro. Our platform makes it easy for any business to get started with ChatGPT. No technical background? No problem. With Kastro’s user-friendly, no-code tool, you can train a chatbot tailored to your needs. Dive into the future of customer support by visiting and take the next step in your business journey.



Mehrab Hojjati Pour

a full-stack developer with more focused on Back-end with more than 7 years of experience. love to create new things and grow startups